
This section is a curated list of some recent and relevant projects that I have worked on during engagements and/or personal interest.

Core Developer


Core Developer at Edge and Node working on the Graph Protocol


  • Rust
  • Blockchain
  • Graph Node
  • Ethereum
  • WebAssembly

Solana Smart Contracts


Developed multiple smart contracts on the Solana blockchain. Forked and modified some metaplex contracts.

  • Staking Contracts
  • NFT Sale Contracts
  • Co-Signing Mechanisms


  • Rust
  • Solana
  • Anchor
  • Typescript

Web3 Staking Lottery


Technical Leadership and Architecture.
Solana and Backend Development


  • Rust
  • Solana

NFT Marketplace


Technical Leadership and Architecture.
Solana and Backend Development.


  • Rust
  • Solana

NFT Marketplace


Rust developer working on digitaleyes

Part of the team responsible for maintaing the marketplace. Smart Contract development on solana with and without Anchor.
Backend services for indexing of relevant solana data.


  • Rust
  • Solana

Using cosmos with the graph protocol


Build an exploratory proof of concept using Graph Protocol and tendermint-rs to understand the effort of adding data from the cosmos network into the graph in a transparent way. The goal was to improve my understanding of the graph node and rust as well.


  • Rust
  • Blockchain
  • Cosmos SDK
  • Graph Node

Bank-as-a-Service (BaaS) Platform


Development of the upvest platform that provides an API for trading and investing. Part of the core team that has developed the integration with the MTF(Multilateral trading facility) and client-facing order handling.


  • Go
  • Kafka
  • GCP

Cosmos IBC Tracker


Backend services that consistently tracks IBC transfers using ibc-go and cosmos-sdk going through the cosmos hub and produces events in order to provide data analysis about the flow of tokens going through the chain.


  • Go
  • AWS
  • Gaia
  • NATS

Mobility Marketplace SaaS Platform


A microservice-based platform for cab booking platform (karhoo) that provides an API for mobility partners like SNCF and This platform was heavily asynchronous (event-based), dealt with about 40 (at the time) traditional dispatch management systems. The platform was responsible for maintaining the state of trips in sync with partner platforms, trigger actions like vehicle tracking, notifications, payments as well anomaly detection.

Webhook Implementation

Lead the design and implementation of the webhooks service. This service handles reliable delivery of requests, triggered by internal actions, provides verifiable data and a mechanism for the customer to switch and fully manage endpoints.

Location Engine Replacement

Lead the design and implementation of the replacement of the location engine, from google maps to Open street maps. This project was executed with no downtime and full visibility over quality deterioration and fully capable of switching between both engines on the fly.

Quote Prediction

Lead the implementation and evolution of a data prediction pipeline. The necessary flows to collect several aspects of pricing data for analysis by the ML team and integration with existing flow with full visibility over quality of predictions as well as the ability to completely bypass the client-facing predictions while still collecting results in the background.

Automation and Stability

Drafted and implemented several proposals for the wider engineering team in order to bring standardisation and automation as well as removing technical debt. Achieved over 120 repositories with automatic dependency updates, full test coverage and auto deployments all the way to production. Heavily focused on creating a stable environment and reigning in technical debt after a rapid growth period for the company.

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